Canoe rentals, canoeing courses and travel agency in various countries. If you need help to organize a canoe trip or just want to rent a canoe you will find help in the list of canoe rentals in the different countries. Local providers can help you to find the canoe trip which fit best to your skills and ideas.



Canoeing organizer and canoe rentals Sweden


Canoeing organizer and canoe rentals Finland


Canoeing organizer and canoe rentals Norway




Canoeing organizer and canoe rentals Germany





Kanuverleih Oesterreich

Canoeing organizer and canoe rentals Austria



Kanuverleih Schweiz

Canoeing organizer and canoe rentals Switzerland

Kanukarte Kanuverleih Kanada

Canoeing organizer and canoe rentals Canada and Alaska



Information blue W30 Wenn sie  einen Kanuverleih in diese(r/n) Liste(n) hinzufügen möchten, nehmen sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf.